sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2019

La Partida Del Día: Shtembuliak,Evgeny (2577) - Murzin,Volodar (2433) [D36] Open (11.1) 2019

World Junior Champion 2019, GM Evgeny Shtembuliak. Ukraine 

"My mom played chess. She quit when she was 12 years old but she was a decent player and won a couple of championships back in the day. So she decided to introduce me to chess and I guess I started playing when I was five". 

ChessBase La Partida Del Día
[Event "Open"] [Site "?"] [Date "2019.10.25"] [Round "11.1"] [White "Shtembuliak, Evgeny"] [Black "Murzin, Volodar"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "D36"] [WhiteElo "2577"] [BlackElo "2433"] [Annotator "Mosaico Ajedrecístico"] [PlyCount "125"] [EventDate "2019.??.??"] {[%evp 0,125,16,28,26,-14,-23,3,30,-5,12,-2,-3,-27,-29,-28,-4,-4,27,23,38,25, 37,36,36,30,46,-3,19,-16,4,33,56,-6,15,-10,-10,-307,-301,61,79,39,41,59,29,29, 68,28,105,96,119,103,116,56,68,68,114,59,91,96,118,153,149,132,125,125,125,144, 144,98,143,140,105,125,149,128,146,128,134,110,130,133,130,125,135,137,145,153, 152,145,145,162,162,143,147,143,146,144,199,192,170,174,164,159,190,185,190, 190,209,194,190,190,203,209,243,229,254,245,273,273,283,283,321,252,302,302, 302,332]} {D36: Gambito De Dama Rehusado} 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 (2... c6 3. cxd5 cxd5) 3. Nc3 c6 4. cxd5 (4. e4) 4... exd5 5. Qc2 Nf6 (5... Bd6) 6. Bg5 Nbd7 7. e3 h6 8. Bh4 g5 9. Bg3 Nh5 10. Bd3 Nxg3 11. hxg3 Qe7 12. O-O-O Nb6 13. e4 dxe4 14. Bxe4 Bg7 15. Nf3 Be6 16. Rhe1 g4 $1 {[%csl Gg4]} (16... O-O-O $2 {[%csl Rc8]} 17. d5 Bxc3 18. Qxc3 Nxd5 19. Bxd5 Rxd5 20. Rxd5 $18) (16... O-O $6 { [%csl Rg8]} 17. Bh7+ Kh8 18. Bf5 $14) 17. Ne5 $146 (17. Nh4 O-O-O 18. Kb1 Kb8 19. Bf5 Qb4 20. a3 Qc4 21. Re4 Rxd4 22. Rdxd4 Bxd4 23. Bxe6 fxe6 24. Rxg4 c5 25. Ne4 Qf1+ 26. Qc1 Qe2 27. f3 h5 28. Rg6 Rd8 29. Nc3 Bxc3 30. Qxc3 Na4 31. Qb3 Rd2 {Guttenthaler,F (2324)-Johansson,L (2479) Germany 2018 0-1 (39)}) 17... O-O-O 18. Nxf7 $5 {[%csl Gf7]} Qxf7 {[%cal Rd8d4,Rg7d4,Gd1d4]} 19. Bg6 Qc7 ( 19... Qd7 20. Rxe6 $16) 20. Rxe6 Bxd4 21. Bf5 Kb8 22. Bxg4 {Blancas han ganado un peón, pero Negras tienen un fuerte Alfil en (d4) y el Rey se encuentra muy seguro en (b8), dándoles una buena compensación...} Qg7 23. Bf3 (23. Re4 a6 $14) 23... Rd7 $5 {[%csl Yd7]} (23... Nc4 $1 $132 {[%csl Gc4]} 24. Rg6 Qe5 25. Rg4 $11) 24. Ne4 (24. Kb1 Rhd8 25. Rg6 Qf7 26. Bg4 $36) 24... Rhd8 25. Kb1 Nd5 $6 {[%csl Rd5]} (25... Qf7 $5 {[%csl Gf7]} 26. Bg4 (26. Rxh6 Nc4 $132) 26... h5 27. Bh3 $13) (25... Qf8 26. g4 $14) 26. Nc5 $1 $14 {[%csl Gc5]} Bxc5 (26... Nc3+ 27. Qxc3 (27. bxc3 Bxc5) 27... Bxc3 28. Rxd7 Rxd7 (28... Qh8 29. Rxb7+ Ka8 30. Bxc6 $18) 29. Re8+ Kc7 30. Ne6+ Kb6 31. Nxg7 Bxg7 32. Kc2 $16 {Con alguna ligera ventaja para las Blancas...}) 27. Qxc5 Qh7+ 28. Kc1 Nc7 29. Ree1 Nb5 ( 29... Nd5 30. a3 $16) 30. Qe5+ Ka8 31. Bg4 (31. a4 Nd4 (31... Nc7 32. Qxc7 Rxd1+ 33. Rxd1 Qxc7) 32. Rxd4 Rxd4 33. Qxd4 Rxd4 34. Re8+) 31... Rxd1+ 32. Rxd1 Qg8 33. Rxd8+ Qxd8 34. Bh5 {Blancas tienen un peón de más y es aquí como Shtembuliak con pasos lentos pero seguros nos da una instructiva clase de cómo ganar esta posición!!} (34. f4 Qb8 $18) 34... Nd6 (34... a5 35. a4 Nd4 36. Bd1 $16) 35. Bg6 (35. Be2 Nf7 36. Qe6 Qf8 $16) 35... a6 36. f4 Ka7 37. Bd3 Ne8 38. Qe3+ (38. Be2 Nf6 $16) 38... Ka8 39. Be2 Nf6 40. a3 Nd5 41. Qd4 Qe8 42. Kd2 h5 (42... Qe7 43. Bf3 Nf6 44. g4 $16) (42... Qg8 43. g4 $18) 43. Bf3 Qg6 $2 {[%csl Rg6]} (43... Qg8 44. Bxd5 cxd5 45. Qe5 $18) 44. Bxd5 (44. Qh8+ $5 { [%csl Yh8] también vale:} Ka7 45. Bxd5 cxd5 $18) 44... cxd5 45. Qxd5 (45. Qe5 $5 Qb6 46. f5 Qf2+ 47. Kc3 Qxg2 $18) 45... Qxg3 46. f5 (46. Qf3 Qg7 47. Kc2 Qc7+ 48. Kb1 Kb8 $16) 46... h4 $16 47. Ke2 Qf4 (47... Qg7 48. Kd3 Qg3+ 49. Kd4 Qf4+ 50. Kc3 Qc7+ 51. Kb3 $16) 48. b4 h3 (48... Qg4+ 49. Qf3 Qc4+ 50. Kd1 Qd4+ 51. Kc2 $18) 49. gxh3 $18 Qh2+ 50. Ke3 Qxh3+ 51. Ke4 Qh4+ 52. Ke5 Qe7+ 53. Qe6 Qc7+ (53... Qg5 54. Qf6 Qg8 55. Kd6 $18) 54. Kd5 (54. Qd6 {luce más fuerte...} Qc3+ 55. Ke6 Qc8+ 56. Qd7 Qg8+ 57. Qf7 Qc8+ 58. Ke7 Qc7+ 59. Kf8 Qd6+ 60. Qe7 Qh6+ 61. Kg8 Qh3 $18) 54... Qd8+ 55. Qd6 (55. Ke4 Qh4+ 56. Ke5 Qh2+ 57. Kf6 a5 $18) 55... Qg8+ 56. Kc5 Qg1+ 57. Qd4 Qc1+ 58. Kd6 Qc6+ (58... Qc8 59. f6 Qd8+ 60. Ke5 Qe8+ 61. Kf4 $18) 59. Ke7 Qc7+ 60. Ke8 Qc6+ 61. Qd7 Qe4+ 62. Qe6 Qg4 63. Kf8 1-0

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